Research any casino game and you’ll see an emphasis put on learning strategy. The obvious idea here is that by learning strategy, you stand a much better chance of winning money. The same reigns true for slots games, where researching payout percentages, bankroll management and more can improve your chances of winning. But here’s one …
Progressive Slots Betting Requirements are Far Different Today
Many slots players have heard that it’s important to bet the maximum coin size in order to qualify for a progressive jackpot. This advice hearkens back years ago, when jackpots would have a disproportionate jump when betting the max. But these days, players should never automatically assume that they have to bet the max coin …
Do You want to chase Big or Small Slots Prizes?
A big reason why many people are attracted to slots in the first place is because they want to win huge payouts. But even some of those who get into slots because they want to win big eventually rethink their goal. After all, the variance (volatility) on slots games with huge prizes is usually really …
Study claims that Slots Players have Health Problems
I bet you never thought that slots could be hazardous to your health! Well, playing slots games isn’t really hazardous to your health, but the habits that accompany slots aficionados is – at least if we’re to rely on data collected by This site’s study covered 2,131 gamblers from the UK across a variety …
Don’t forget Online Slots Freerolls
One aspect of online slots that players often overlook is the freeroll tournaments. Like the name implies, online slots freerolls give out free money to the top finishers. Interestingly enough, though, many players don’t really consider these tourneys when trying to build their bankroll. But the truth is that you should definitely look into freerolls …
High Slots Payout Percentages: A Double-Edged Sword
It seems painfully obvious that slots players should head for games with the highest payback. For example, a game with 95% payback gives you a much better shot at winning long-term profits than one with 85%. But is picking a slots game really as easy as just opting for the highest payout percentage? As we’ll …