Electronic Table Games Feel Like Slot Machines

Table games like baccarat, blackjack, and roulette have been in casinos for years. But many land-based casinos are now offering electronic table games. These are designed to feel like machine-based versions of the authentic games. But the truth is that they feel more like slot machines, which I’m going to discuss below. Most Aspects Look …

Pachinko Hurt by New Gaming Regulations

Pachinko has long thrived as one of Japan’s few legal gambling options. But the hybrid of pinball and slots is taking a beating after new government regulations. Keep reading to find out about the regulations along with what the game’s potential future looks like. Pachinko Max Payouts Cut Japanese lawmakers recently slashed the maximum payouts …

Online Slots Payback Isn’t as Important as We Think

Many people consider payback to be one of the most-important concepts with regard to choosing internet slots. After all, online slots payback refers to the amount of money that you can expect to win back. For example, 95% payback indicates that you can win back 95 cents on every dollar wagered. A higher payout percentage …

Slots Free Drinks could be Determined by Machines

Drinks are one of the most-common comps for slot machine players. And slots free drinks could soon be determined by computer systems. This technology will be placed on table-top slot machines to determine who deserves a free drink. The tech measures how much somebody has bet and signals if they deserve a beverage. Ardent Progressive …

Melbourne Crown Fined $300k for Blanking Slot Machines

Melbourne Crown casino has been fined A$300,000 (£160,000; $225,000) for tampering with slot machines to eliminate some of the betting options. Also referred to as blanking slot machines, this is a serious violation that has drawn an appropriate fine. According to BBC.com, this is the largest fine ever leveled on an Australian gambling operator. And …

Are Penny Slots a Scam?

Many casino visitors are attracted to penny slot machines, because they seem cheap to play. But are penny slots a scam? This question must be raised due to the fact that these slot machines pay less when compared to other slots coin denominations. Here’s research from Nevada’s 2017 gaming report showing how much each coin …