Dash Slots – How Do You Play Them?

Cryptocurrencies provide a convenient way to play online slot machines. Dash slots are especially becoming more prevalent at internet casinos.

Of course, Dash isn’t quite as famous as Bitcoin. If you have questions about how to play slots with Dash, keep reading as I cover more on the matter.

What Is Dash?

Dash is an open-source cryptocurrency that can be used to pay for lots of goods and services. It’s a form of decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and is run by a subset of users known as “masternodes.”

This “altcoin” forked off the Bitcoin protocol. Those behind Dash claim that its transactions are untraceable, which gives it an advantage over Bitcoin in one regard.

How Do Dash Slots Work?

Playing Dash slot machines begins with acquiring this cryptocurrency. Unfortunately, you won’t find many options for purchasing Dash directly with fiat (e.g. US dollar).

You instead need to visit an exchange like Coinbase or Gemini. Next, purchase Bitcoin, Ethereum, or another cypto that’s commonly traded at exchanges.

From here, you must send your Bitcoin/Ethereum to an exchange like Binance. Then, you’ll be able to trade for Dash.

Finally, you need to send your Dash to an online casino that accepts it. Simply generate a wallet address at the casino, then choose this address as the recipient when sending your Dash.

Is It Worth Playing Dash Slots?

You might feel that there are lots of steps involved with transferring this cryptocurrency to an online casino. Luckily the process becomes easier and easier over time.

Dash slots give you a convenient way to play at online casinos without dealing with a third party (e.g. Visa, PayPal, banks). They’re particularly nice if you live in the United States, which has restrictive online gaming laws.

Dash is decentralized, meaning it’s not controlled by a central government or bank. That said, it’s perfect for getting around cumbersome laws.