Here’s Bad News: Slot Machines are paying Less Now than Ever

The goal when playing slots is definitely to find the games with the highest payback. Unfortunately, according to a recent report, this is getting harder than ever. The Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers (AGEM) reports that land-based casinos have been lowering slots payback for the past decade, with 2014 seeing a new low. AGEM’s findings …

Here are 3 Slots Strategies that Just Don’t Work

There is some slots strategy that works, such as finding the best payback for your coin denomination and taking advantage of skill-based bonus rounds. However, other slots strategy is completely devoid of any benefit to you. So in the spirit of helping you avoid wasting time with the latter, let’s cover three slots strategies that …

5 Points to know about Slots Comps

It goes without saying that we all want more comps from our slots play. But there are certain nuances you must understand to make sure that you’re picking up more free comps. This being said, here are five quick points about slots comps that you should definitely know to maximize your rewards. 1. Land-based Casinos …

4 Things You Must Know about Slots Payback

Payback is one of the most-important concepts in the slots world, given that this determines how much money the average player will win over the long run. The obvious goal is to find slots games with excellent payback and win as much money as possible. However, it’s also good to know everything you can about …

AGEM offers New Vegas Slots Vision as Details are worked out

A key topic in 2015 has been how the slots industry will be handled moving forward. Current slot machines just aren’t reaching younger generations the way that operators would hope for, and some work must be done to appeal to young players. In order to help solve this problem, the Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers …

3 Tips for playing Slots with your Friends

The slot machine is a solo activity where it’s just you against the house. But this isn’t to say that you can’t bring your friends along and have some extra fun. However, if you do play slots with friends, then there are a few tips that will help you maximize your fun. So let’s discuss …