Why are Old Movies Used for Slot Machines?

It seems that slotsmakers have a permanent sense of nostalgia. After all, they commonly use old movies when creating slot machines. But why is this the case? And why don’t they opt for newer movies?

Filmoria recently explored this issue, noting how slots based on Jurassic Park and Terminator II Judgement Day hit casino floors in 2014. This is noteworthy because both movies debuted back in the 1990s.

Again, what are the reasons behind licensing old movie slot machines?

Old Movies Give Slots Instant Recognition

As Filmoria noted, basing a slot machine on a decades-old movie can accomplish one very important thing – instant awareness.

They pointed out that “building on the success of a movie, even if it’s a decades-old one, will trigger a lot of talking and often excitement on the part of fan.”

Classic Movies Have Big Fan Bases

Going along with the point mentioned above, hit movies already have fans. So why not build on this popularity?

Here’s an excerpt from Filmoria’s Sam Allock that explains this concept:

“The size of the fan base requesting a gamification of the story – if the potential players’ pool is big enough for the game to be worth the effort, it will most likely be done sooner or later. In the end, the reason doesn’t really matter, as long as the game is fun to play, right?”

Perfect Way to Re-Market Films

Oftentimes, movie studios reboot classics to make more money in theaters. And branded slot machines are a great way to accomplish this goal.

As Filmoria points out, “the social or casual revival of a movie franchise precedes its big-screen revival, likely trying to push the characters back into the minds of the public, thus trying to ensure a bigger excitement and success about the reboot.”

I’ve often wondered myself why slotsmakers continue pushing the older movies. I figured that it was something to do with newer films being more expensive to license.

But I learned that there’s more to the issue than just licensing. Specifically, recognition, fan base, and marketing all play a role too.